Richard Feynman 1918-1988 – The Value of Art

On this day,  February 15, Richard Feynman died in Los Angeles,  in 1988.  He was of course the Nobel physicist (1965) who was well known for his idiosyncrasies. One of them was that he played the Bongo drum (professionally), and furthermore, from repairing  radios to  picking locks… to painting and poetry he did it all. So on this day, I will print a poem from one of his lectures, The Value of Science

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Zaha Hadid’s Guangzhou Opera House – Symbol Of A Southern City


Guangzhou Opera House


Mao had allegedly said that women held up half the sky. True or not, well, he (and China) needed workers!

One thing is for sure (I think) – Zaha Hadid has

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Too Much Science Is Bad For Art? Gabriel Orozco Thinks So



Gabriel Orozco’s installation in the de la Cruz collection, Miami, Florida

Although he keeps up on the latest science, the Mexican artist  Gabriel Orozco is careful to keep a distance. 

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