ABOUT THIS BLOG     I  report on the latest trends in science and the arts. I search the literature and news (and the world, in my travels) for instances where the two touch—inside the human body, sometimes quite funny. Check out the site… click the tag cloud… ENJOY. Happy travels!

I use only writings or quotes of recognized professionals in both fields, e.g. le Corbusier & Einstein, Francis Crick  etc; and only experiments in peer-reviewed research papers. Many of my pieces touch on  psychology, philosophy, and culture in general though they are not  my primary interests. The writing is aimed at people interested in science and the arts but not necessarily with a background in biology.

An example is this blog, Consciousness & Free Will – They Are Just Illusions, which quotes the recent Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, and goes on to explore the art of writing, our criminal justice system, and the unconscious. 

No worries. I don’t understand everything in the world – just want to know what’s happening – that’s why I am writing this.

And do tell me what you think!

All blog posts © by Cecilia Wong

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