There are two types of believers in art, or religion, or even science: the true believer, who is constantly testing his beliefs by
Tag: Art & Science
Too Much Science Is Bad For Art? Gabriel Orozco Thinks So
Gabriel Orozco’s installation in the de la Cruz collection, Miami, Florida
Although he keeps up on the latest science, the Mexican artist Gabriel Orozco is careful to keep a distance.
When Einstein Met le Corbusier – What Went Wrong?
What is it about physics that so intimidates? Or is it just Einstein?
Le Corbusier recalled his visit to Princeton in 1946 to meet the Nobel laureate:
Of Chimp & Child – And Aesop’s Fable
How smart is your four-year-old? Not as smart as a chimp, or maybe even Aesop’s rook. Watch these videos in the BBC News report Spitting and Urinating Chimps ‘Replay Aesop’s Fable.